Early Bird Pajama Sale – 40% off All Paddle Boards
2018 has been a great year for us at Acadia SUP! We’ve seen record numbers of people on the water and more and more people coming to see us to get set up with a new or even used paddle board. Over the past 7 years I feel like its been an honor to watch the sport of stand up paddling grow in Maine and be at the forefront of that movement. We hope that anyone who’s had the chance to get out with us has realized how much passion we have for the sport, how much we love helping introduce people to the world of SUP, and how much we enjoy helping them find the right equipment.
While we are obviously done with trips and rentals for the year we still have a bunch of boards in stock and need to make room for new stuff next season. With that in mind we will be offering a special one day only sale on Nov 10th coinciding with the annual Early Bird Pajama sale in downtown Bar Harbor. The sale runs from 6am to 12pm. Its a great opportunity to score some great end of season deals on lots of things at many stores in town and Acadia SUP is no exception. We will be running a special 40% off sale on all paddle boards and paddles with 50-75% off everything else store wide. Most boards will be $500-600 or less !! We have a decent selection of swimwear and summer apparel left and its a great opportunity to grab a new swimsuit for that winter vacation. There will also be a free gift with any purchase for anyone who comes in the spirit of the sale wearing their pajamas!
We know its November and the last thing people are often thinking about is buying a paddle board. Winter is coming and you may not even find opportunity to use it till spring. However, with the deals we are offering it is really an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed. With so much information out there on the internet it can be tough to sort through it all and make the right buying decision. That’s what we are here for. As the only specialty paddle board shop in the state we love to chat boards and help people get on the right one for their size and paddling goals. And while our goal is obviously to clear out a bit of inventory we also want to make sure that people know that its a great opportunity to come in and learn a bit more about boards, what to look for, and what to expect. We want to be your local resource and want you to feel comfortable knowing we are the place you can come to learn, ask questions, and get simple and straight answers.
Check out the STORE inventory for more information on what we have to offer.
Hope to see you there!!